tisdag 4 maj 2010


Vi startar nu upp ett lite längre gestaltningsprojekt som i huvudsak skall utgå från vårt terminstema VÄXA och materialen sten och träd.

Den tyske konstnären Joseph Beuys har gjort ett verk som heter 7000 oaks och detta verk kommer vi att ha som utgångspunkt för vårt arbete.
Vi började med att associera kring oredn sten och träd.
Vad symboliserar orden?
Vad kan orden användas som metafor för?

I think the tree is an element of regeneration which in itself is a concept of time. The oak is especially so because it is a slowly growing tree with a kind of really solid heartwood. It has always been a form of sculpture, a symbol for this planet.

The planting of seven thousand oak trees is thus only a symbolic beginning. And such a symbolic beginning requires a marker, in this instance a basalt column. The intention of such a tree-planting event is to point up the transformation of all of life, of society, and of the whole ecological system..
They are basalt columns that one can find in the craters of extinct volcanoes, where they become a prismatic, quasi-crystalline shape through a particular cooling process-which produces these shapes with five, six, seven, and eight corners. They could, and still can, be found lined up like perfect, beautiful organ pipes in the Eifel region. Today, most of them are protected. But we didn't have to have these particular splendid organ pipes, we just wanted a material with basalt characteristics from the environs of Kassel. So there we found basalt columns which are part crystalline, that is to say, they have sharp corners, but at the same time tend toward amorphousness.

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